Marriages post corona times
Jayden Runolfsson | September 19, 2020 | 64 | FinanceThe pandemic today has brought us face to face with challenges that were unheard of, from staying indoors for months to having to walk around sweating in PPE kits. With the pandemic still unfolding many difficulties, various industries have suffered, and some may have to bear permanent damages as well. One such sector might be the wedding industry.
Corona has been an eye-opener for many people who before the pandemic were a fan of lavish and large social gatherings. Many couples have decided to tone down their yet to be celebrations as they will now be going with the new regime. Teams will now be adhering to high standards of hygiene and social distancing norms. The big fat weddings will now turn into more intimate and secluded. People will prefer outdoor wedding venues with plenty of open space that would assist in maintaining a physical distance.
We are in unprecedented times, so nobody knows how to fight it best similarly to fighting a nuclear war. But the foresight gives us an idea of how the world might be after the pandemic. People will still get married,but, the way they choose to do it will be a lot different from what used to be a practice.
To begin with, giving you an idea of how things might be let me just put into perspective that a table that would usually be meant for eight people will now be serving only 3 to 4 at max. The wedding buffet is a topic for conversations for many days after the wedding. People still discussing the delicacies days after the actual wedding day has been prevalent but post corona weddings will most probably say no to the buffet or at best tweak some ways to fit the requirement.
Innovative solutions
A mandatory requirement to maintain social distancing during gatherings no matter how small. People are coming up with innovative ideas to abide by the new law. For instance, many couples have been getting married, virtually making fair use of the technology available and putting the notary for mariage civil to proper use. Instead of organizing weddings at closed venues, people have resorted to getting married in parking lots as the large open space fits the requirement to comply with physical distancing. Paying for expensive marriage halls or indoor venues is something many couples will kick out of the list as marriages will be more intimate; they will require a smaller team to manage the event.
Posing for the clicks
We all love to have a picture clicked in weddings as they give us something to reminisce about later on in life. But as we would be required to maintain a physical distance, social norms like group pictures will be difficult. People will have to hire a professional photoshop artist along with a professional photographer to adjust everybody into a single frame. Nothing can be said for sure all we can do is wait and find out how times turn out to be in the future.